St. John's UCC is a place where you can serve, connect and grow.
It is a place for your children and the older members of your family as well. You belong here.
St. John’s has the mission to lead students of all ages to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ! We do this by providing opportunities from young people, all the way from 3 years old to college aged, with the opportunity to draw closer to God through weekly Sunday school, fun activities. and ongoing activities after church is over. The goal of our Christian Education program is to encourage students to will embrace and serve God fully in their lives.

Sunday School
Children aged 3 through 6th grade are invited to participate in Sunday School. They'll join other kids with a Christian friendly activities, crafts and games.
Sunday School is held during church services September through May.

Confirmation starts with kids in 7th and 8th grade. Exposed to activities inside and outside the church the kids grow in their relationship with God and each other.
9 am Sunday Mornings
September thru May.
Youth Group
The high school years are some of the toughest years to navigate. We teach them how to rely on God's love and trust as they continue with Sunday School studies.
9 am Sunday Mornings
September thru May.
Once church is through for the week, our youth are invited to continue to learn about Jesus Christ with ongoing events scheduled after school or on the weekends. The mission and vision of St. John’s YOUTH! is to lead students to become fully devoted followers of God. Middle School, High School, and College students have the opportunity to learn more about themselves and others through Bible study. As they handle life's challenges they are able to grow their personal relationship with Christ.
Contact information for St. John's Youth:
Interested in helping our youth?
We are currently looking for a leader to our EPiC program (Everything's Possible in Christ). This is a paid position. Please route your resume to: office@stjohnsucc.org
St. John’s Nurturing Center is an established state licensed year-round center
offering three full or part time programs to meet the needs of the families we serve.
Observing a low child-staff ratio, our professionally trained staff provides creative learning experiences in a Christian atmosphere for students
three years old through 5th grade.
The Center is open Monday through Friday 6:30 am-6:00 pm.
Contact information for the Nurturing Center:
Michelle Lozoya is our Center Administrator.
Center Phone: 419 855-3906/ext 8 Fax: 419 855-4220
Nurturing Center Email: michellelozoya@stjohnsgenoa.org
ElderLife offers 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for the "well" elderly.
Elderlife was started with a bequeath from Turner/Moyer estate in memory of Sena Magdalene Turner in 1980. The wish was to construct a home for the aged and infIrmed, or the care of them.
Today their mission embraces the goals of providing an environment to keep our elderly independent at a reasonable monthly rent, and to serve each resident in an ongoing Christian community. The first building accepted occupants in 1987, followed by a second apartment complex in 1990 and a third in 1998. The growth of Elderlife is evidence that St. John's UCC is meeting a need in our community.
Contact information for Elderlife:
Bruce Auer is our Elderlife Administrator, email him at: elderlife1984@gmail.com.
The office phone number is 419-855-7095